Tag Archive: United States

Be a responsible host this New Year’s Eve

There’s no better way to kick off the New Year than by hosting a party for family and friends. Throwing a fabulous party that your guests will love may take some planning, but… Continue reading

Are You Aware of the Danger Lurking in Your Neighborhood?

A few years ago, I had the amazing and heartbreaking opportunity to meet a gentleman whose daughter was abducted and murdered by the man living across the street. The murderer was a sex… Continue reading

Disaster Preparedness Tips for Parents

Kids need to know how to keep themselves safe and knowing this will build the self-confidence they need to handle emergencies effectively. You can make sure your children are prepared by teaching them… Continue reading

Information and Resources to Help Prevent Bullying

Bullying has become a tidal wave of epic proportions. Although bullying was once considered a rite of passage, parents, educators, and community leaders now see bullying as a devastating form of abuse that… Continue reading

Keep Your Family Safe This Fourth Of July

Sun, activities and fun! Independence Day is one week away and we have safety tips to ensure the fun stays in your holiday plans! Tip 1 – Sunburn, heat rash, choking, bumps and… Continue reading

AlertID members encourage others to join

“I’ve been fairly active on this site since last February when I was awakened by the police one morning at 6 am. “Stay Inside”. Come to find out, a car chase ended in… Continue reading

Texting While Driving – A Serious Danger to Teens and Adults

When I started looking at statistics on the dangers of this subject, I was shocked to find out just how dangerous texting while driving really is. Most of us have sent a text… Continue reading

Traveling with Kids? How to Ensure a Great (and Safe) Time is Had by All

Ready to go on that long-awaited vacation with the kids? We want to help you ensure the most wonderful and memorable trip by offering you these important safety tips from AlertID, the National… Continue reading

Protecting and Celebrating Seniors – May is Older Americans Month

We all have older individuals in our lives that we love and want to protect. Although we need to consider the safety of our seniors all year, it’s important to take this time… Continue reading

National Missing Children’s Day – 30 Minutes to Safer Kids (May 25, 2013)

According to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), an estimated 800,000 children are reported missing each year – that’s more than 2,000 children each day. Hard to believe, isn’t it?… Continue reading