Lock Crime Out of Your House During National Crime Prevention Month




Did you know that most burglars spend no more than 60 seconds trying to break into a house. The more you do to make it difficult for a burglar to get in, the better! This month is National Crime Prevention Month, so we wanted to share some great tips to help prevent your home from being a target!OCTOBER is National Crime Prevention

  • All exterior doors should be either metal or solid wood
  • Every entry door should be well lit and have a wide angle door viewer so you can see who is at the door without opening it
  • Always keep doors and windows locked, even when you are home
  • Indoor lighting gives the impression that someone is home, leave a light or two on inside, varying the lights you leave on so there is no pattern
  • Install exterior lighting near porches, rear and side doorways, garage doors and all other points of entry and place the lights out of reach from the ground so they cannot be broken or removed
  • Trim shrubbery that could conceal criminal activity near doors and windows and provide light on areas of dense shrubs and trees that could service as hiding places
  • Cut back tree limbs that could help thieves climb into a window
  • Use high security locks on outdoor gates and sheds
  • Going on vacation? Contact your police or sheriff and ask if they can provide a “vacation check” program and always set outdoor and a few indoor lights on automatic timers

Follow these tips to help deter burglars from breaking into your home. You can also help keep yourself and your family safe by signing up for AlertID at www.AlertID.com. Share this information with your neighbors, friends and family and always remember to watch out for one another!

This information provided by the National Crime Prevention Council.