Monthly Archive: June, 2014

Swim Safety Tips for the Whole Family….Including the Dog!

Diving. Splashing. Marco Polo. CANNONBALL! It’s that time of year, again, swimming season! While a trip to the pool or beach is a fun family activity, it is important to be prepared in… Continue reading


Camping is a fun way to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the great outdoors.  With all of the excitement of swimming, s’mores, and campfire songs, it is easy to forget… Continue reading

An Ounce of Prevention Equals a Safe Summer; McGruff the Crime Dog and AlertID Help Parents Keep Kids Safe During Summer

Whether traveling with family or staying close to home this summer, it is important to put safety at the top of your summertime list. The National Crime Prevention Council, home to McGruff the… Continue reading

Kids and a Crowd

The kids are out of school and summertime is upon us! We are all looking forward to trips to the beach, going to the amusement park, and catching a ball game on a… Continue reading

Protect Your Pup from the Dog Days of Summer

As temperatures rise we all want to spend more time outside soaking up the sun! And that means bringing our four-legged friends outside more as well.  Keep these DO’s and DON’T’s in mind… Continue reading