8 Tips for a Safe Garage Sale

Spring is upon us and the garage sale signs are popping up on every corner!  Before you decide to join in and host your own garage sale to lighten your load and put a few extra bucks in your pocket, take a look at these important safety tips from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department!

  1. Group or joint garage sales are best.  This provides for more oversight and observation of activity.  Avoid having one alone.garage sale


  1. Do not allow anyone in your home to use a restroom, telephone, or to rest because they are “not feeling well”.


  1. Do not allow anyone to wander around areas of your yard where there are no items for display.


  1. Do not allow yourself to become distracted and not be aware of what others are doing.


  1. Be watchful of cash received.  Counterfeit money is sometimes used to “buy” items.  Be aware of what real currency looks like and check carefully before accepting. Use a counterfeit marking pen or detection light.  Do not accept checks or credit cards.  They are often fraudulent.


  1. Have the sale in a driveway or area other than your actual garage.  Keep your garage door down and your home secure while the sale is taking place.


  1. If possible, have a friend come over who can serve as an observer of activity.  This helps assist those who are selling items, especially during busy times.


  1. Avoid having conversations with people about anything other than items that are for sale.  Do not mention other items you have or might sell in the future.  Do not answer probing questions about your home, family, or habits.


If you see any suspicious activity please be a good witness and call 311 for a non-emergency and 911 if there is a life threatening emergency.

Follow these helpful tips to ensure that you not only have a successful garage sale, but a safe one as well.  Happy Selling!

This information is provided by the Northwest Area Command-Crime Prevention Detail.

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