Tips on Preventing Injury in Older Adults


Each May, we celebrate Older Americans Month.  The theme this year is “Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow.”  Older adults are more prone to injury and unintentional death than the rest of the population, so the focus this year is on injury prevention.

At AlertID we are committed to keeping families safe. One in every three people over the age of 65 will suffer a fall.  You can help your older family member prevent falls by encouraging them to:

Get exercise: Encourage the older adults in your life to take walks or even enroll in an exercise class!

Review medications: Make sure that you and your loved one know the side effects of their medications and how combinations of medications can affect them.

Have eyes checked: Older adults should have their eyes checked yearly.

Eliminate hazards at home: remove clutter and fall hazards from the home.  Making sure the home i well lit can also help!

This information is provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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