Monthly Archive: May, 2014

Tips for a Safe Graduation Party Season

It’s that time of year! Graduation party season! While this is a very exciting time for teens, it is also a time of increased temptation to participate in drinking activities.  Celebrating the milestone… Continue reading

National Safe Boating Week, May 17-23, 2014: Stay Safe on the Water

Summer is around the corner, which means it is almost time to put the boat in the water and get out the fishing poles and water skis! In 2012, the Coast Guard counted… Continue reading

Keep Your Family Safe over Memorial Day Weekend

More than 2,000 children go missing every day.  May 25th is National Missing Children’s Day, and since it falls on Memorial Day Weekend, we thought we would provide you with some tips to… Continue reading

Tips for Seniors to Protect Their Finances

Seniors are often times a target for theft & scams.  Scammers are preying on seniors more than any other age group, amounting to an estimated $2.9 billion (yes, Billion!) in losses last year!… Continue reading

8 Tips for a Safe Garage Sale

Spring is upon us and the garage sale signs are popping up on every corner!  Before you decide to join in and host your own garage sale to lighten your load and put… Continue reading

Tips on Preventing Injury in Older Adults

Each May, we celebrate Older Americans Month.  The theme this year is “Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow.”  Older adults are more prone to injury and unintentional death than the rest of the population, so… Continue reading