Monthly Archive: April, 2014

The do’s and don’ts for safe grilling

Warmer weather means more time at the grill flipping burgers. Every year, 7,000 Americans are injured while using backyard barbecue grills. It’s usually a case of good products used incorrectly. Below are some… Continue reading

Raising Awareness to Protect Women against Sexual Assault

Kathleen Sandoval, Nevada’s First Lady, and Keli Wilson, AlertID’s Founder, are teaming up to create awareness and support victims during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. According to government reports, a sexual assault occurs every… Continue reading

Keeping your autistic child safe: Practical tips for parents

Safety is a critical part of all of our lives, whether we are at home or out in the community, alone or with loved ones. Being aware of our surroundings and taking precautions… Continue reading