Monthly Archive: March, 2014

Let Spring Air In and Keep Criminals Out

Secure your home during springtime renovations with these tips from McGruff® and AlertID. Once spring has sprung people begin to clean, remodel, and repair their homes after another year of wear and tear.… Continue reading

Staying Safe During Spring Break

Spring break is a time for fun and friends but breaking for a little fun in the sun shouldn’t mean a break from common sense. Every year thousand of college “spring breakers” voyage… Continue reading

AlertID Launches the Neighborhood Ad Network

AlertID, the fastest growing neighborhood social network, today announced the launch of its Neighborhood Ad Network, which is the first direct online advertising platform that makes it easy for national and local advertisers… Continue reading

Property Crime is a Crime of Opportunity

Many people feel a sense of helplessness after having had their property stolen. But you are not helpless. Implementing a few common sense practices can significantly reduce your risk of being the victim… Continue reading

Don’t Make it Easy for a Thief to Steal Your Car

Every 26 seconds, a car is stolen in the United States. According to the FBI, there were more than 720,000 reported incidents of auto theft in 2012 with carjacking accounting for 3% of… Continue reading