Introducing the Live Safely Resource Center – a trusted place for safety and prevention tips

Screen Shot 2013-07-25 at 9.13.17 AMAndre Agassi (The Andre Agassi Foundation for Education), McGruff the Crime Dog® and AlertID are actively working together to help protect families across the country. We’ve joined forces to launch AlertID’s Live Safely™ Resource Center, the trusted place where people can go to find safety and prevention tips on all sorts of topics designed to keep families and communities safe.

Let’s say there’s been a burglary in your neighborhood and you want to find some reliable tips on how to protect your home. The Live Safely™ Resource Center can help. It has information directly from law enforcement agencies, the FBI, and our good friends at the National Crime Prevention Council (Home of McGruff®), the national leader in crime prevention that has been helping to keep children and communities safer for over 30 years.

AlertID’s Live Safely™ Resource Center addresses important issues that families face every day including bullying, cell phone safety, conflict resolution, cyber bullying, fire safety, fraud and identity theft, gang violence prevention, school safety, missing persons, and many more. The Resource Center also provides detailed information and publications about each topic, program descriptions, and downloadable resources including coloring books, cartoons, and tips for children to learn how to protect themselves.

“We want to protect our children from the ever present challenges that they all face today. AlertID’s Live Safely Resource Center provides a safe and trusted place to find the information and resources that can help parents, teachers, and children make better decisions and change lives,” Andre Agassi, founder of the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, said. “We strongly support AlertID and its efforts.”

Please make AlertID’s Live Safely™ Resource Center your go-to stop for reliable safety information. Take a look at issues that affect your family and quality of life and visit often for any issue that concerns your family’s safety.

Written by Keli Wilson, Founder of AlertID


Live Safely™ Resource Center

Andre Agassi Foundation for Education

National Crime Prevention Council