Hot weather means taking a few extra safety precautions

I received these great hot weather safety tips today courtesy of the Reno Fire Department. Please share with your family and friends to ensure that a safe and fun Summer is had by all!

Lurking Sun with sunglasses

  • During the hottest hours of the day, stay inside. If possible stay inside an air-conditioned building. The hottest hours of the day are typically from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.
  • Dress lightly, and when sleeping, use lightweight, breathable covers.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and other fluids. When temperatures climb above 90 degrees it’s important to drink at least a gallon of liquid per day, preferably water.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and beverages that are carbonated or contain caffeine when temperatures are high, as they can lead to dehydration.
  • Keep blinds and curtains closed from morning until the late afternoon to block extra direct heat from sunlight.
  • Move your exercise routine to early morning or later in the evening.
  • Never EVER leave a person or a pet in the car in hot conditions while you run to do a quick errand. People and animals can succumb to heat exposure and death very quickly in a hot car. Cars can become overheated quickly and when overheated become like ovens. It’s never safe.
  • Properly supervise children during outdoor play, being sure to monitor them closely and frequently. Seek medical care right away if you become nauseous, start vomiting or experience cramps.
  • Use a fan. Don’t place the fan directly in front of a window because it may push hot air in. Try placing the fan so that it blows in the room and out the window instead.
  • Use small appliances like slow cookers and tabletop grills rather than your traditional oven or stove to keep kitchen heat to a minimum or barbeque outdoors.

Written by Keli Wilson, Founder of AlertID

Information provided by the Reno Fire Department in Reno, Nevada.