AlertID members encourage others to join

shutterstock_99254768“I’ve been fairly active on this site since last February when I was awakened by the police one morning at 6 am. “Stay Inside”. Come to find out, a car chase ended in my cul-de-sac and the bad guy was loose, possibly in my back yard. The Sheriff put out an Alert on AlertID and 2000 people were watching for him! Just in my neighborhood.

To say the least, I felt protected and proud to be a part for this virtual neighborhood.

My Neighborhood crime seems to be going down! That’s awesome. If yours is going up, maybe you should step up AlertID’s coverage or attend a neighborhood watch meeting. In other words, use the information to protect yourselves. Not sure if you are all in my neighborhood, but this information is important to me and my family.

I am glad to see us using the system more after the email change… I want to be there for you when there’s a bad guy in your backyard. We need to communicate to do that.”

AlertID Member
Las Vegas, NV

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