Monthly Archive: June, 2013

Hot weather means taking a few extra safety precautions

I received these great hot weather safety tips today courtesy of the Reno Fire Department. Please share with your family and friends to ensure that a safe and fun Summer is had by… Continue reading

Keep Your Family Safe This Fourth Of July

Sun, activities and fun! Independence Day is one week away and we have safety tips to ensure the fun stays in your holiday plans! Tip 1 – Sunburn, heat rash, choking, bumps and… Continue reading

AlertID members encourage others to join

“I’ve been fairly active on this site since last February when I was awakened by the police one morning at 6 am. “Stay Inside”. Come to find out, a car chase ended in… Continue reading

Texting While Driving – A Serious Danger to Teens and Adults

When I started looking at statistics on the dangers of this subject, I was shocked to find out just how dangerous texting while driving really is. Most of us have sent a text… Continue reading

Traveling with Kids? How to Ensure a Great (and Safe) Time is Had by All

Ready to go on that long-awaited vacation with the kids? We want to help you ensure the most wonderful and memorable trip by offering you these important safety tips from AlertID, the National… Continue reading

Going on Vacation? How to Make Sure Your Home is Protected While You are Away

Can’t wait to get away? You deserve it after all that hard work and planning. While you’re packing, don’t forget to take a few minutes to plan for keeping your home safe while… Continue reading